Would you consider running in your stilettos? Then why are women running in everyday wear bras?
Sports bras are not clothing, they are a piece of equipment – just like your running shoes! And just like your running shoes, a lot of money and time has gone into designing and building your sports bras.
Sports bras are actually the the most difficult and technical piece of clothing to make and design! A good sports bra also uses expensive highly technical fabric that will keep you dry, bounceless and even bacteria free. They are about support, comfort and wicking. They also keep the girls in place, and will prevent injuries to yourself (and others!) Your everyday wear bras are all about looks and (sometimes) comfort!
If you fail to wear a supportive and properly fitting sports bra during exercise it can lead to permanent breast damage whether you're experiencing pain or not, and even if your breasts are very small. Unlike other part of your body, the only thing that keeps your breasts in place are very small ligaments ( Cooper's ligaments ), fatty tissue and mammary glands. They simply need reinforcement when you exercise!
Once you have the perfect fitting sports bra you will be amazed how good it feels on! And you will be able to jump with joy…without hurting yourself! It will even make your work-out feel easier….THAT’S RIGHT, you will feel less tired if you keep the girls under control! When you put your ENELL
on, you will feel invincible and ready to go!
Your everyday wear bra (aka lingerie) may be built to make your “girls” look good, but doing jumping jacks in your push-up bra won't be comfortable nor pretty to watch!
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